How Knovik Manages Remote Workers Better on Microsoft Teams

How Knovik Manages Remote Workers Better on Microsoft Teams
How Knovik utilizes remote working

When an organization works hybrid, the number one challenge is managing their coworkers during work from home (WFH) days. But it is no more challenging hereafter. In the upcoming section of this article, I'll show a proven and practical method of how Knovik manages remote workers better on Microsoft Teams.

6 Microsoft Teams Tips on How Knovik Manages Remote Workers

1.Knovik has created separate channels to organize their team

At Knovik, keeping things organized is a top priority, and with tech evolving, most companies, including us, have hopped on the MS Teams bandwagon to manage our crew. With about 20+ employees, we switch between being on-site colleagues and remote workers when working from home.

We’ve got three teams, everyone working on their own top-secret (okay, not really) projects. To keep things smooth, management has created separate channels named after each team, so the project managers can easily manage the squad.

But the real fun? The general chat! It’s like the office water cooler, but digital. Everyone jumps into chat, share news, or report what's going on. So, whether you're at home in your PJs or at the office, you’re still in the loop. It’s a great way to keep the brain vibes flowing and trust me, it makes remote work feel less like "WFH" and more like "WFTeam"!

2.Conduct meetings with MS Teams

At Knovik, the built-in audio and video call features of MS Teams make it super easy for project managers to organize and run meetings. Whether it’s a quick 1-on-1 chat, a full team pow-wow, or an all-hands meeting with every employee, MS Teams has it covered.

These calls give the teams a chance to brainstorm, organize, and crush their tasks like pros, all while sticking to their work plans. So, if you’re a start-up enthusiast looking for ways to keep your squad on track, here’s a

Pro Tip: Use MS Teams to host easy-peasy meetings! Whether it's a "mic-drop" convo or a "cam-on" showdown, this tool’s got your back!

3.Collabarates using @mention

At Knovik when working remotely, the @mention feature in MS Teams is a total game-changer! You can tag your teammates to pull them into a specific discussion, like giving them a virtual tap on the shoulder. This way, they jump into the convo faster, making communication super quick and easy.

4.Keeping the status updated throughout the day

Keeping the status updated throughout the day allows the respective project manager at Knovik to stay in the loop and understand when their teammates are available or away. For example, status such as,

  • Online – Actively working and available
  • Away – Stepped away briefly or not actively working
  • Offline – Completely unavailable or disconnected
  • Breaks – For lunch or tea breaks, sets status to "Away for Lunch/Tea" and update it when you’re back

Keeping this updated will help everyone stay in sync and ensure smooth communication at Knovik, especially when working remotely.

5.Uses the calendar feature on MS Teams

Using this calendar feature when working remotely allows the management at Knovik to organize and schedule meetings. When the management organizes and schedules a meeting, all the employees at Knovik get a notification notifying them. So, through this calendar feature, they get the opportunity to attend meetings on time.

Pro tip: In this calendar feature, once an employee receives a notification, they can accept or decline its invitation and decide whether they can attend that

6.Uses Planner, & Polly

When Knovik's team is working remotely, assigning tasks is a breeze thanks to handy apps like Planner in MS Teams. It keeps things super organized so the team can get their work done quicker and better, even from home.

Apps like Polly make it easy for anyone to vibe with colleagues, grab feedback, and make smart, data-driven decisions on the spot. Plus, with live question moderation and audience upvoting, staying on track is a piece of cake! You can zero in on key topics and let the team steer the conversation in real time. It's like turning every meeting into a smooth, well-oiled machine!

Also, for task and project management integration, Knovik might integrate Microsoft Planner and To-Do with Teams, allowing managers to assign tasks, track progress, and set deadlines. Employees can update the status of their tasks, providing transparency and accountability in real time.


How can MS Teams help me to manage remote teams?

Same as my company, as explained above, you can also apply those to your company and experience the results in a short period.

How do I empower remote employees to be more productive?

When it comes to the global workforce, employees working remotely have been normalized. As a company owner or a start-up enthusiast, it is your job to motivate and empower your remote employees.

How do I keep my remote workers engaged?

When working from home, your management should be pretty talented enough to keep your employees engaged.


With these above-mentioned Microsoft Teams Tips, at Knovik it's easy to manage remote workers. Read and see whether these tips apply to your organization too!